If that was all that was in the package, it would be a huge day. The autographed Elastica Waking Up 7" single I also sold her was included. Now that one of the four Deceptive Records singles is back, the completist in me immediately reached out to the owners of the others. But wait — there’s MORE! She threw in a white vinyl copy of Belly’s 1995 masterpiece, King (Which I will explore in a later post), AND a vinyl copy of Veruca Salt’s Blow It Out Your Ass EP AND Sub Pop’s Helter Shelter 7" box set which includes Elastica’s Stutter (along with singles from Supergrass, S*M*A*S*H and Gene!)
I mentioned in my last post that I was able to get “American Thighs” signed in March 1995 when they returned to Detroit for their headlining show at St. Andrew’s Hall. Upon seeing the album this afternoon, I remembered that Louise took the time to write the details of our second meeting right on the cover: “Louise Post Detroit March 1995”. I don’t know why Jim wrote “interesting” notes on both the single (“Jim #9 salutes the thriving Canadian music scene”) and album (“Jim #44 all salute D Strawberry”). Maybe he’s a big fan of the Barenaked Ladies and New York Mets? I’ll have to ask that question if they return to Detroit on their next tour.
Maggie’s story of music fandom is one that I think you’ll enjoy. I have three people to interview. I need to get started on this…right after I have a little listening party.
With these three pieces returning, I’ve re-obtained five of the 97 records I sold.